​Solutions-focussed, co-active coaching with a wealth of experience

  • ​​Coaching Diplomas in UK and Germany
  • Solid academic education
  • 30-plus years as an executive leader in global companies
  • Seasoned navigator of the corporate landscape
  • Empathic, respectful, intuitive and creative


​​Büllmann Coaching
Founder, since 2023

​Warner Media /Harry Potter Global Franchise Development
Vice President Brand and Marketing, 2018–2022

​Warner Bros. Entertainment Germany
Executive Director of New Releases and Strategic Franchises, 1997–2018

​MAX magazine and CINEMA magazine
Deputy Editor-in-Chief, 1991–1997

​Member of the International Coaching Federation since 2024


​​Eisberg Seminare Hamburg
Business Coach Qualification 2023

​Freie Universität Berlin, Kennedy Institute
PH. D. / Doctor of Philosophy 1991

​Academy of Executive Coaching  London
Practitioner Diploma in Executive Coaching 2022

​Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich
Master´s /Magister in Literature and Cultural Studies 1988

More about me:

​on Linked In

​“Wissen bewegt” interview

​References from clients

​E., Television Brand Manager, London

​Bert went above and beyond to support me as I transitioned from one company to another and introduced me to exercises that I now use daily. I feel much better equipped to step into the next phase of my career, all thanks to Bert. Bert's approach to coaching is outstanding. His level of professionalism is first-class and his desire to see each individual thrive abundantly clear. He has the ability to take complex scenarios and using calm, effective strategies support individuals to reach an actionable and attainable result. 

​S., Streaming Provider CCO, London

​Having had a few mixed experiences with professional coaching in the past, I started the process with an open and optimistic mindset with Bert and I must say his approach and personality have worked perfectly with me. Bert brings an understated professional expertise to a very well executed coaching technique, mixes it with a very likeable personality and the result in my case was a very noticeable positive shift in confidence, clarity and focus. In practice I went from inertia to new job in a few weeks, with a bit of luck and for sure a larger bit of Bert's contribution. I particularly enjoyed the way I felt I could email Bert sometimes outside of dedicated sessions to monitor my progress.

​H., Event Agency CEO, London

​I really didn’t know what to expect going into the course but I can’t imagine being where I am now in my business and goals without Bert. What Bert offers is the time and space in which to better understand your own abilities, whilst prompting you to delve further into areas you may not have explored before. Personally I struggle to allow time to reflect on my growth and goals and Bert helps with easy exercises to assist in personal development. I have enjoyed all aspects of the course but mostly seeing the immediate positive results it has had on me as a person and a manager within my business.

​M., Marketing Manager, Los Angeles

​I started working with Bert during a time when I was entering management for the first time as well as facing a big career transition. He really helped me figure out who I wanted to be as a manager and where I want to be in the next stage of my career. Working with him made a tumultuous transition in my life easier as I was able to dive deep with him to the core of my obstacles. He listens and pushes you to find the answers to questions you may have not even known that you had! My confidence as a manager has gone up immensely and I owe a lot of it to being able to work with a coach. If you have the opportunity to work with Bert then you are a very fortunate person!

​H., Security Systems General Manager, London

​Within the first year of being appointed as a Managing Director for the first time I found myself struggling with confidence in some areas, notably whilst dealing with a highly challenging chairman of the board, as well as lacking clarity of thought when it came to how to restructure parts of the business around a new senior hire . In just six sessions with Bert this changed completely. After working with him I am well underway to reaching a professional level beyond anything I previously thought possible and that is already having a significant positive impact on the company. Bert’s calming yet galvanizing aura is inspiring. The way in which he gives structured space for ideas and concerns to be explored, before concisely reflecting back the key points, was edifying and enabled me to better myself by clarifying thought. His exercises around self-reflection of core values and strengths has also spilled over into my life outside of work. It was invaluable in shaping plans around the future direction of my company and career. Not only has he helped in the short term but his objective approach and empowering structure has given me the tools and confidence to build on my learning to continue to become better at my job and a better person. I cannot recommend Bert highly enough, it is one of the most powerful processes I have gone through in my career, and I will always be grateful to him for helping me unlock greater potential in myself.